Monday, September 25, 2006

I went to alcohol abuse and your health web site and I found a lot of information related to alcohol's problems. You can see some facts and statistics such as health problems, and car accidents. This article mention especialy to universties students because they can hurt them selves by drinking a lot. So they can't make a control on them selves because they still young.

In my opinion I found this web site very interesting and useful, because alcohol's problems may cause a lot of problems in many fields such as health, money, sexuality, driving accidents, and society harms. So alcohol's problems it should be know to everyone to avoid its troubles. In other way you can give some advises to people who are use alcohol, too. This informaion on this web site may tell you about many important thing that can give you warning when you think to drink. Alcohol can lead to commite crimes, too. Many crimes happend under alcohol influance.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

I went to about web site and I found a lot of information related to alcohol's problems. There are many links can be reach you to what you like to know. You can see some facts and statistics. You can see the references for the articles that were written on the web site easily. Finally you can find some video clips can be playing to show some information.

In my opinion I found this web site very interesting and useful, because alcohol's problems may cause a lot of problems in many fields such as money, sexuality, driving accidents, and society harms. So alcohol's problems it should be know to everyone to avoid its troubles and gives some advises to people who are use alcohol.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

I went to CNN web site and I found an article, which is talking about a new version of windows it is called Vista from Microsoft corporation. In fact all employees in Microsoft want to protect this program from hackers. The most important things, which are they want to safe them, are banks accounts and secret or important information. They are testing about 3000 copy of Vista windows to know the disadvantages.

In my opinion I found this article very interesting and important because millions of people are waiting this version. Also they are worried about the personal things like money and information, so they care about the degree of security in computer programs.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I went to THE FRIDAY FIVE and I found these good questions, so I answered them as for my self.

1) This is the 1st of September, what do you want to accomplish by the 31st?
Improve my English skills and get 550 in Toefl test.

2) What does September make you think about or feel?
The end of summer.

3) September is the ninth month; can you name nine memories so far from this year?
- I got my scholarship.
- I came to US.
- I'm studying at CESL.
These are the most important things in this yaer.

4) What does September have in common with three other months and can you name them?
A new season that is the fall like the winter in January.

5) The first weekend in September signals the end of summer for many even though it doesn’t really end for weeks. When does summer end for you?
It depends on the climate.